Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bigger than life...

It always takes something bigger than... Life, to make you stop and truly appreciate it. Having it, losing it, wish you had did more with the little that you did have. For me, having a son did that. Not completely, but enough for me to say, hold on this ain't about me no more. I remember a few years back, I had promised to take my sister out to go shopping. She was a new mother and I was capable so it wasn't a big deal. Well, I sometime as they say "write a check that my (ASS) can't cash". As we're paying I am noticing the total, totalling something I tottally don't wanna tally!
I at this time being a two strike candidate had reaccustommed myself to taking those petty permissions that individuals who practice "the steps" talk about. For example, going into Safeway to shop, grab a magazine, read it, continue shopping...but unfortunately forget to pay for the magazine. Well, I am sure you get the drift. Now as I am passing the items to the counted, I noticed that the employee wasn't paying any attention, so I said, "Sis...stuff them clothes in that bag!"
She stood there and gave me one of those looks a new gangbanger gives on his initiation before it's time to go bust a cap into a rival gang member. Me being the opportunist that I am I started stuffin' clothes! Now, my sister finally finds the strength to unclutter her defining words..."Lannie, I can't 'cause I'm a mama...". At the time it didn't register, but three years later, with a two year old son of my own, I understand completely.